Admob for Xamarin made easy
In this tutorial, I’ll show how to add Google ads Admob banners, insterstitials and rewarded Videos in a Xamarin project using the MTAdmob plugin. This plugin supports Android and iOS
In this tutorial, I’ll show how to add Google ads Admob banners, insterstitials and rewarded Videos in a Xamarin project using the MTAdmob plugin. This plugin supports Android and iOS
Xamarin has a long story of problematic releases where new features comes along with numerous bugs.\n\nFor this reason is possible that you are still using an old version of Xamarin.Forms.\n\nBut today you will see why you should really upgrade to Xamarin.Forms 2.5\n
As you know is very important to keep your system updated and this of course is valid for the Android SDK.\n\nYou should alway use the lasted available Android components.\nThe Official Xamarin Documentation is not very clear on how to configure properly the Android SDK, so here is what you should do to obtain the best from your Xamarin.Android projects.