Add Admob Rewarded video Ads to Android and iOS with a single line of code
Discover how to add Admob Rewarded video Ads (plus Banners and Interstitials) to Android and iOS with a single line of code. The best Xamarin plugin ever made!
Discover how to add Admob Rewarded video Ads (plus Banners and Interstitials) to Android and iOS with a single line of code. The best Xamarin plugin ever made!
Sometimes we need to show a custom value in our XAML and this operation is not always immediate but with this tutorial you’ll discover how easy it is.
Finally the new version of Visual Studio 2017 is here.\n\nAs usual let’s see the new features inside this releases and the changes for Xamarin:
Microsoft has now released a new update for Visual Studio 2019. Let see what news we are and if there are improvements for Xamarin (Yes, there are…Yes!!!!)
Xamarin.Forms 4.0 is finally out. Let’s see what are the new features and if there are performance improvements. Ready to find out?
\nThe MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel) pattern helps you to organise and structure your code to create better apps.\n\nWith this pattern you can split your code in 3 main parts:\n\nModel: Where you put your data\n\nViewModel: It’s the logic of your app and a link between the Model and the View\n\nView: It’s the UI of your app (usually written in XAML)
If you are using the Syncfusion library together with Xamarin.Forms > 3.4 you should definitely continue to read. Since the new release of Xamarin.Form 3.5, if you try to use the Syncfusion Listview (SfListView) in Release mode on Android, your app will crash. In this moment there are two things that you can do: Use […]
Basically all the apps use a Listview to show one or more list of items.\nSometimes you want to change the appearance of your items according to some parameter (for example inside the same page, sometimes you want to show partial forms, other times completed forms and so on).\n\nLet’s see how easily you can achieve this in Xamarin.
Finally a new version of Visual Studio is here and it seems great.\n\nAs usual let’s see the release note from the Visual Studio website.
Today Microsoft has released a new version of Visual Studio to add support for Xcode 9.2 This is a FUNDAMENTAL update for Visual Studio and Xamarin as with the old version you cannot compile code for Apple (you can read the?article here). Let’s see now the complete Release notes: VS 15.6 does not respect the […]