Add Admob Rewarded video Ads to Android and iOS with a single line of code
Have you seen how amazing are the Admob Rewarded video Ads? If you are creating a game or an app, the Rewarded Videos are something you should add to your app.
UPDATE: I’ve added on github the source code of a project to test this Admob plugin. You can find it here:
Do you think that are difficult to implement and it takes hours of your time? WRONG!
Thanks to my plugin MarcTron.Admob ( you can add Rewarded Videos with a single line of code!!!
Exactly!!! Install the MarcTron.Admob free plugin and in less than few seconds you can show Rewarded Videos in your Android and iOS apps!
HOW (It’s super easy!!!)
- Install the MarcTron.Admob plugin in your projects (.netstandard, Android and iOS).
- That’s it! No other things to do!!!
Now, if you want to show a rewarded video you just have to write this code:
Of course remember to replace the xxx with your video ID that you can find on your Google Admob page.
We all love events 🙂 If you love them as well. There are 7 events that you can use with Rewarde Videos:
OnRewarded When the user gets a reward
OnRewardedVideoAdClosed When the ads is closed
OnRewardedVideoAdFailedToLoad When the ads fails to load
OnRewardedVideoAdLeftApplication When the users leaves the application
OnRewardedVideoAdLoaded When the ads is loaded
OnRewardedVideoAdOpened When the ads is opened
OnRewardedVideoStarted When the ads starts
We have just seen how to add Rewarded Videos (with the plugin you can add Banners and Interstitials as well) in less than few seconds.
Basically it’s a dream 🙂 But it’s all TRUE!
Now here some links that you can use:
A detailed tutorial on how to use the plugin:
The nuget package link:
The bitbucket project site to report/view issues:
Github test project to try the plugin:
November 30, 2021 @ 7:53 pm
does it work with monogame,if yes is there any sample for it?
Marco Troncone
November 30, 2021 @ 10:54 pm
This plugin works with Xamarin Forms.
If somehow you manage to load a Xamarin Forms view in your monogame app then you could use this plugin.
March 6, 2021 @ 6:02 pm
Hi, Marco. I used your Plugin and it is great and works perfectly on development showing test Ads and for IOS TestFlight it works perfectly as well for devices that are defined as test device under adMob. The problem I have is that iOS test flight and also the published app on apple store does not show real ads. looking at the dashboard in admob it shows the request received but total impressions is 0 and the real ads never start showing. I am not sure if I did miss something but I double checked everything a couple of time. I am using my app ID in info.plist and alaso the right ad Units when I am calling the LoadRewardedVideo. I have created the admob account weeks ago and the app is added days ago in admob. The only thing I have not done yet is that I have not linked to my app on App Store on admob since it is not updated yet but from what I read that should not be an issue and apps added manually on ad mob should work without any issue. I was wondering if you have heard about this issue and you can help me with that. I really appreciate any help.
Marco Troncone
March 6, 2021 @ 6:36 pm
If your AppId and your adsIDs are correct, then the problem is not on the app. It should be just Google that still have to send you the actual ads. You must have your app in the store to receive the ads, otherwise you are acting against the policy and Google could suspend or ban your account. Be sure to use the test device Id or the test ads and never run actual ads on a test device and if the app is not on the store. After you do that, after a bit you’ll start to see actual ads.
March 6, 2021 @ 7:17 pm
Thank you for your reply. In adMob, you can add a test device under settings and according to google (the same place where you define test devices) it is safe to use production ids on a test device: “Test devices let you safely test production ads without risking policy violations. Ads served by the AdMob Network will be in test mode and display a badge.”
My app is already on the apple store since yesterday and I do not see any real add in an app installed from apple store. So you are saying it might take a while for the real ads to start showing. I will give it more time and will update you. Please let me know if you had any other comments
Marco Troncone
March 6, 2021 @ 7:22 pm
Yes, with test devices you can use production IDs and it’s fine (you’ll always see test ads). For what I know it takes few days from the release to see the ads (especially if your admob account is recent). Probably it could take a bit more now as Google is experiencing some slowdowns. Anyway if you see test ads, it means that your code is correctly configured.
March 6, 2021 @ 7:25 pm
Thank you for your quick reply! I really appreciate your help. I will give it a few days then.
July 22, 2019 @ 3:18 pm
Do you have any sample apps? I can’t seem to get rewarded ads working. Nothing is displayed and no events fire ?!
Marco Troncone
July 23, 2019 @ 8:46 am
Hi Anthony,
Yes, you can find the sample app here:
If you still have problems with the plugin, let me know and I’ll help you
April 14, 2019 @ 7:16 pm
great plugin but I’m having trouble on rewarded ads, I can subscribe to events but can’t unsubscribe, so OnRewarded works many times. Can you show a working example of OnRewarded method?